How to add a border to a circle shape image in Squarespace (7.1)

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The Problem

SquareSpace Image Block, circle shape

Uploaded an image, how about a border?

There is no native way to add a border to an image in Squarespace. Use the CSS code below to achieve this.

Add a border to a circle shape image

There is no native way in Squarespace to do this, here is the CSS code you will need.

.sqs-block-image div[data-shape-mask="circle"] img 
    border: red solid; // change first value to change colour
    border-radius: 100%;
    border-width: 5px; // change value for thinner/thicker border
    box-sizing: border-box;
SquareSpace Image Block - adding a coloured border to circle shape image

Coloured border!

You can modify the colour, and thickness of the border with the Custom CSS code. See more details below.

Not working?

Here are a few common things to check:

  • This code is for an image that has used the circle shape feature. Image Block -> Edit -> Design -> Shape -> Circle.
    Not for an image that is already a circle shape at the time of upload (you can easily set the Shape to Circle, to then use the Custom CSS code above).

  • After making your CSS changes, try saving the Custom CSS and then refreshing the page. The CSS changes are sometimes not reflected “live”.

  • SquareSpace might have changed the CSS selector! If that is the case, and I haven’t updated this page yet, please comment down below or email me to let me know.

That’s it! But…

Keep reading if you want to learn more about each line!

The CSS Selector

The CSS Selector is a reference which you need to use to tell the website that, this object here is what I want to change the styling for.

Image Block

All image blocks can be selected using this CSS Selector in Squarespace. This is the class name for an Image Block. We use the “dot” in front of the name to represent referring a class (“dot”) with name (“sqs-block-image”).


Circle Shape

Within an image block, the circle shape can be selected using this CSS Selector.


The Image

Finally, the image itself can be selected using this CSS Selector.


All together

These individual elements are nested within each other, so to reference them, we need to use a space.

  • Select a class element named “sqs-block-image”.

  • Within this element, find me a div element with an attribute called “data-shape-mask” where this equals to “circle”.

  • Within this element, find me an element with the tag “img”.

.sqs-block-image div[data-shape-mask="circle"] img 

Change the colour of the border

To change the colour of the border, swap “red” to your colour of choice. You can use CSS color names or a hex value.

border: #000 solid; // change first value to change colour
SquareSpace Image Block - changing the coloured border on a circle shape image

Changed from red to black, #000

Change the thickness of the border

To change the thickness of the border, swap “5px” to your thickness of choice. Example below:

border-width: 3px; // change value for thinner/thicker border
SquareSpace Image Block - changing the border thicker on a circle shape image

Changed from 5px to 3px (thinner)

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Over a decade in tech, 10+ Squarespace websites worked on in the last 12 months, 100+ website owners helped including on the Squarespace Forum.

Melody Lee

Squarespace Web Developer | Custom Code Specialist

Over a decade in tech, she loves the simplicity of Squarespace combined with the freedom of Custom Code to create any designs for a website.

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